
It is hard to believe that summer’s long, lazy days are coming to a close, and that school is just around the corner! Heading back to school can be exciting but may also cause some stress for parents and children. Luckily, there are tools and resources available to help make the process smoother for everyone.

Establish A Routine

Consistency and routines are great starting points to combat those back-to-school worries! The summer may welcome a more relaxed schedule, but the night before the first day of school is not the time to shift bedtimes. Instead, start tweaking their waking and sleeping hours by 5-10 minutes daily a week or two before school begins for an easier transition.

Many children thrive on routine. Discussing additions or changes to your current routine for the new school year now can help reduce anxiety for parents and kids. Routines can include:

  • Setting up breakfast and lunch choices where children feel involved in the decision-making process
  • Picking out outfits or uniforms the night before school to avoid power struggles in the morning
  • Establishing a homework schedule and strategies to help them succeed
  • Packing backpacks for school and any extra curricular activities the night before and leaving them by the front door
  • Asking your child what they might like to add to their routine to ease the transition

Have An Open Dialogue

Change is hard for everyone, and it is essential to recognize that your child may feel fearful and anxious about returning to school even if they are not voicing their concerns. Having open, thoughtful conversations with your children can be a powerful tool. Conversations about the hard stuff not only allows them to express their worries, but also strengthens their bond with you, making you both feel more connected and less anxious about the transition. Open discussions also allow you to reinforce expectations and praise your student for all of the hard work and dedication they are putting into their education.

Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in setting the tone for the new school year. By planning and preparing for the return to school, they can turn it into a fun and exciting adventure for their children, instilling confidence, reducing stress, and protecting the emotional wellness of both parents and kids.

Kids are wise, and when their parents are stressed and tired, they can’t help but experience that negative energy! Stay positive by managing your stress and your kids will be sure to follow.

I wish everyone a wonderful and successful school year!

Erica Jensen
Executive Director

Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore

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